On Chanucah …

On Chanucah …


On Shabbat Chanucah we hold an ‘Eshet Chayil Dinner’, a Communal Friday night meal to honour two Hampstead ladies who are indispensable to our extended family. We hold a communal candle-lighting on Friday evenings before the Shabbat service, and throw a tea party with themed fun and games for children and their families including, most recently, the premiere screening of the Hampstead Drama Group’s debut short film. This takes place on a Sunday afternoon or after school. We also introduced a Chanucah party for people in their 20s and 30s, which was a great success.

Rabbi Michael usually gives a Chanucah-themed drasha, or a special shiur on the Shabbat preceding Chanucah, and there are doughnuts at Kiddush.